bicara tentang kehidupan dari ruang lingkup seorang hamba yang serba kekurangan

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tough Times Ahead -part 2

Aku sebenarnya tidak berniat nak menggembar-gemburkan isu. Cuma sebagai peringatan kepada yang lupa. Aku pastekan artikel tentang keadaan ekonomi 2010-2017 untuk menyokong posting aku terdahulu. Artikel ini bukan untuk usahawan kecil macam kita. Ia ditujukan untuk orang-orang yang ada terlalu banyak duit.

Namun ia memberi gambaran am tentang apa yang bakal berlaku kepada ekonomi dunia yang sekarang ini terlalu bergantung kepada Amerika Syarikat. Dijangkakan ekonomi Amerika akan tumbang pada tahun 2012 keatas dan Dollar Amerika akan jadi macam rupiah Indon hehehe.

(Full link, click here)
"If you thought 2008 was scary, 2010 to 2012 will be the greatest economic and banking crisis since the 1930s. You must be prepared in advance to survive this most difficult season. Do not accept the proposition that you cannot, or should not, take steps to guard against losses. As an investor, it is your money, your future, and your responsibility to protect yourself in the best way possible and there will be the greatest reward for those who do prepare during this once-in-a-lifetime 'great sale' in financial assets."

How Best to Invest and Prosper during the Tumultuous Times Ahead (according to Dent)
1. Early to mid 2009:a) Sell stocks, except commodity and energy sectors.b) Allocate between commodities and T-bills or money markets and /or safe currencies.

2. Late 2009 to mid-2010:a) Sell commodities and commodities and energy stocks.b) Allocate 100% to T-bills or money markets and safe currencies.

3. Mid- to late 2010:Start to allocate to 30-year Treasury bonds only after their yield begins to spike.

4. Late 2010 to mid- 2011:a) Allocate to 20-year corporate bonds when yields go to extremes.b) More conservative investors should focus on AAA corporate, more aggressive investors toward BAA.c) All investors must recognize, however, that even high-quality bonds will be in question as to their viability, given that the downturn between mid-2009 and 2012 is anticipated to be more extreme than anything we have seen since the early 1930s, mid-1970s, or early 1980s.

5. Mid-2011 to mid-2012:Allocate to long-term municipal bonds when yields seem to be peaking (high-tax-bracket investors).

6. Mid- to late 2012:a) Aggressive/growth investors: allocate majority into Asian stocks and lesser into U.S. multinational, technology and health care, with minor allocation in long-term corporate, Treasury, or municipal bonds.b) Conservative investors: focus largely on 10- to 30-year Treasuries and 20-year corporate AAA bonds, with minor allocations in multinational, health-care, and Japanese stocks.

7. Late 2011 to early 2015:Look for selected opportunities in real estate (small condos and starter homes early on; vacation and retirement homes later; trade-up homes by 2015).

8. Mid- to late 2014:Aggressive/growth investors: allocate more to leading stock sectors such as China, India, health care, multinational, technology, and financials on a likely short-term correction between late 2013 and late 2014.

9. Early to mid-2017:a) Sell stocks in all sectors.b) Convert largely back into long-term bonds and, to a lesser degree, into T-bills or money markets.

U.S. Treasury Sales Could Collapse Leading to End of U.S. Dollar as Reserve Currency


  1. Salam.

    Salah satu sebab kegagalan besar MECD ialah "memilih bulu" dan terperangkap dengan agenda politik. Matlamat membantu rakyat secara am dan Bumiputra secara khusus bertukar kepada membantu puak-puak assobiyah.

    Kesannya matlamat tidak kesampaian kepada seluruh rakyat, cuma sampai kepada beberapa kerat sahaja. Beratus juta ringgit berjaya disalur kepada "rakyat" sebagai pemangkin industri tetapi kesannya begitu tidak signifikan untuk memantap ekonomi negara secara keseluruhan.

    Kenapa? Kerana pertumbuhan ekonomi Malaysia hanya boleh disignifikasi melalui penglibatan keseluruhan rakyat...bukan satu dua kerat saja!
    Begitu jugalah pengagihan kontrak yang tidak seimbang. Sekiranya dibiar berterusan ekonomi Malaysia akan hancur!

  2. T/kasih baginda dan zaidi, benar sungguh komen sdra zaidi. Dan UMNO kini sedang menghadapi musibah kerana sikap menolong puak-puak sendiri. Kini bila diminta bersatulah MELAYU. MELAYU akan bertanya MELAYU yang mana?
